• Question: How do you think the world was created?

    Asked by anon-251260 on 21 Apr 2020.
    • Photo: Ella Mercer

      Ella Mercer answered on 21 Apr 2020:

      I don’t study this so I can’t give a really scientific answer. I’m not religious though so I think the world was created with the Big Bang. This theory says that the universe as we know it began at a single point that became so dense and hot that it exploded and expanded to create the universe as we know it now. How do you think the world was created? 🙂

    • Photo: Ozge Ozkaya

      Ozge Ozkaya answered on 21 Apr 2020:

      I am not an astrophysicist either but I can share my view as a biologist. I don’t think that the world was “created”. When we say created we think of something or someone with an intension. On the contrary, I think the world appeared as a consequence of other events. In fact, everything we see around us is a consequence of an event that did not have an “intension”. For example, giraffe’s don’t have a long neck SO THAT they can reach the highest leaves but rather the giraffes with the longest necks “ENDS UP” being able to reach the highest leaves and can eat more than the others and so are fitter and can have stronger babies, looking just like themselves (with long necks) so in time only those with long necks survive while others die, so we see giraffes with long necks. The world is here just in the same way, as a consequence of a series of complex events.

    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 21 Apr 2020:

      The universe that we know today, came to be because of a huge explosion that sent clouds of gases, rocks, dust and ice hurtling into space. As Ozge beautifully explained, it makes more sense to say “came to be” instead of “created”.
      That explosion is called the Big Bang, and as those clouds cooled down gradually, 9 billion years later, the earth was born.

      The other clouds formed other planets and stars.

    • Photo: Robert Ives

      Robert Ives answered on 22 Apr 2020:

      Like Ella, I don’t study religion or that particular physics. I’m not religious, but I am open to the idea of a God although I think it is unlikely we will ever know for sure in this life (I’m classed as a ‘strong agnostic’). For me, I like the theory of the ‘Big Bang’ but it probably has as many unanswered questions and assumptions as religion and it relies on us (as humans) believing on what others tell us. I probably have this totally wrong, but my understanding is that before the big bang, known as ‘the singularity’, EVERYTHING existed in an infinitely small, infinitely dense space – is that more believable than the existence of a God? There are many people who will insist they are right, on both sides of the argument. So, like belief in a God, I am open to the idea of the ‘Big Bang’ but I don’t think humans have the ability to ever really know. As humans, most of us have the right and ability to have our own beliefs and that is what is great about being human. Whatever we believe, there is nothing wrong with a bit of faith.
