• Question: Why do you like biology

    Asked by anon-253271 to Georgia, Alex on 7 May 2020.
    • Photo: Alex Agrotis

      Alex Agrotis answered on 7 May 2020:

      I am most interested in cell biology – the biology of (you guessed it!) cells. All living things are made up of tiny cells – our bodies have trillions.
      When you are at school you learn that cells look a bit like a fried egg. They have a nucleus (the ‘yolk’ which stores DNA), cytoplasm (the ‘white’) and a cell membrane (like a bubble, that keeps everything together).
      Later you learn that cells are so much more complicated. There many more parts of a cell (called ‘organelles’) and thousands of chemical reactions happening at the same time. Proteins are probably the most interesting part for me, there are many different types which are like ‘machines’ that do all the work to keep cells alive.
      I find it fascinating just how complex the whole thing is. It is almost like there is a whole universe inside each cell that needs to be discovered. As scientists we try to piece little discoveries together bit by bit, because its very hard to see the molecules inside cells (they are so small) and you can sometimes only see a few parts at once. The challenge is piecing all those disoveries together into an idea (or ‘model’) of how cells work. I think that even in 100 years time we will still only know a fraction of what there is to know about cells!
