• Question: why is science important

    Asked by anon-251389 on 23 Apr 2020.
    • Photo: Sophie Arthur

      Sophie Arthur answered on 23 Apr 2020:

      Science is important because it will provide us with the answers to many of the problems we are facing in the world. It will help us to advance as a society, it will give us more and more knowledge that we can share, and it will help us to learn more about us and where we came from and the mistakes we made

    • Photo: Varun Ramaswamy

      Varun Ramaswamy answered on 23 Apr 2020:

      Wow, good question mate! Science is a story, that answers your questions about anything works..
      for example, How do you talk, move, eat, think, fall ill and become healthy again?
      You drop an ant from a 7 storey building and it still walks off without being hurt. Why?
      You drop a ball and it bounces straight up sometimes, but obliquely at other times. Science can answer all of these questions.

      It can even go beyond them to the things we can’t see…right from the tiny atoms that make up everything, to the gigantic planets and stars that we are just a small part of, science is a story about all of them 🙂

    • Photo: Freya Harrison

      Freya Harrison answered on 23 Apr 2020:

      Deep question! I think science is important because it gives us a logical way to ask, and answer, questions about the world. Science is about making a hypothesis and then working out the best way to test that hypothesis without introducing error or biases.

      Of course, scientists are human beings and we can’t always avoid bringing our own biases and prejudices into our work. But science also tells us to make our methods public so that other people can repeat them and build on them. So scientific work that is biased or wrong can be improved on over time.

    • Photo: Philip Denniff

      Philip Denniff answered on 23 Apr 2020:

      Have you ever been curious and wondered why? Isaac Newton, the famous scientist, had an apple fall on his head (or so the story goes) and was curious as to why. His answer predicted the movement of the plants across the heavens and allowed man to walk on the moon. So stay curious and ask why, you never know where it will lead.

    • Photo: Wei Xun

      Wei Xun answered on 24 Apr 2020:

      To add to the great answers here already, I think one of the the fundamental things about science is that it is so useful. Nothing humanity has ever done before (except mathematics) has proven quite so good for advancing our knowledge of he observable world, and more importantly, to make predictions, and that was a game changer for our species. it lets us have unprecedented control over our activities and the natural environment.

      It does have limits though, and it can be wrong, and dangerous. I think we should be mindful of these shortcomings not of science itself so much, but how we use it.
